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  • Writer's pictureKaren Braddy Lambert

Take That Mindful Break

Rekha N. LinkedIn

Published on January 4, 2021

Crunch crunch over the snow, now that's a great feeling. Recently my friend and I connected over the holidays. We had been working through 2020 at the craziest possible speed. She is very effective and known for her delivery. But she is feeling burned out. She is constantly on. Even on her holidays. The emails, the constant alerts continue. The days blur and projects march on relentlessly like ants carrying a load. I know the feeling. And I know many of us leading transformation or working with transformation and change teams know this feeling. This could be your day

  1. I am so not caught up yet and still to read my email.

  2. Yet to take action, give me another day.

  3. Need that coffee.

  4. Did you really need another meeting on this topic?

It took a pandemic for her to realize that this momentum, this act of continuously being switched on, being on top of everything was not working out. Be mindful to avoid burnout.

#1 Look at what you need to do. And what you are ending up doing instead. #2 Look where you need to step back. Are you delegating? #3 Did you plan to think some more? Strategic thinking is a conscious choice. If you

haven't carved the time you won't get there. #4 In fact revisit all the areas where you said Yes. Did you really need to take those on?

Think - Take the time for that mindful break. Walk on the snow. Stare at the birds. Do nothing. Ideas will come to you as you let your mind wander a bit. This is my 2021 resolution and hopefully spurs you. Hope you get to plan your well deserved mindfulness breaks too.

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